martes, septiembre 04, 2012

tipado dinámico vs estático y LISP

Monday, 3 September 2012

Static vs Dynamic - the LISP experiences

Maybe you happen to remember my recent post about static and dynamic languages with the main assertion that the type information is maybe superfluous but helpful for documentation and refactoring. You might be tempted to retort: docs & refactoring are for sissies, you wimp! But wait a moment, who are the most notorious hackers out there? You are right, the LISP hackers. From them you'd expect the most ruthless hacks and also despising of the programming aids mere mortals are using. At least as far as the programming folklore is concerned.

But if you a little bit look closer... Heres the answer* given to a simple question "What you dislike the most about Lisp?":
I must say that the lack of static typing really gets in the way on larger projects. Being able to confidently change datatypes and function signatures, knowing that the compiler will point out most inconsistencies that you introduce, is something that I've really come to appreciate after working with Rust and Haskell. Test coverage helps, of course, but I'm not a very diligent test writer, and tend to feel that type signatures are easier to maintain than an exhaustive test suite.
Surprise, surprise, basically he's reiterating my simple argument: why should we give up something that can help us, i.e. automatic checking if all the interfaces are used correctly?

And for the seconds, some  "opinion as a result of ... programming in Lisp in a production environment on non-trivial code"**:
Right off, I can say that the biggest, most glaring thing that causes problems is the lack of static typing. It happens that when the compiler is unable to detect these issues, the end user is left to find them. This can be very potentially damaging to companies. And it is more prominent when you have 100k lines of code, not all of which one can be familiar with.
Lisp takes some steps to help solve these issues. SBCL has very good type inference capabilities, and can warn or error at compile time with type issues. Additionally, Common Lisp allows one to declare and assert argument types, but there’s no guarantee this information can be used. 
And what's SBCL? Let's cite from it's homepage: "Steel Bank Common Lisp (SBCL) is a high performance Common Lisp compiler". What? Even more surprises! Compilers, type inference, assertions? Ok, looks like (at least some of) the LISP hackers came to appreciate the static typing. Who would have thought it?

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